Job Information, Position, and M00#
Where can I find my employee identification number (M00#) and position number?
Your department administrative assistant can assist you in finding out your college identification number (M00#) and position number. You may also find your position number on your electronic leave report in the MyCom portal.
How can I get a copy of my job description?
To obtain a copy of a job description, please email your request to [email protected].
When is my Anniversary Date?
Per the collective bargaining agreements, your Anniversary Date is defined as the first of the month following your date of hire collective bargaining agreements.
Leave Reporting and Leave Balances
How do I verify my leave accrual balances?
Your leave balances can be found on your paystub, and you may also access your leave balances through the Employee tab on the MyCom portal. If you need additional assistance, please review the Banner Leave Reporting FAQ located on the MyCOM portal, or contact the Human Resources Technician II, Classified Support Team Member. To locate the appropriate HR representative, please go to the Human Resources Contact and Support webpage.
Is there a limit to the amount of vacation I can accrue?
You can accrue vacation up to 240 hours. Any hours accrued in excess of the 240 cap are considered excess vacation leave. Employees will be paid out excess vacation hours each month if they do not use vacation during the current month to stay under the cap.
How do I notify the District that I have to report for jury duty?
If you are absent because of jury duty, you must notify Human Resources at [email protected], and attach the appropriate documentation. The district requires a verification from the Jury Commissioner's Office specifying the dates and times served by the employee, pursuant to collective bargaining agreements.
Please note that appropriate documentation is not the summons, but the actual documentation from the jury service stating the dates of jury service. If you forget to get this while on jury service, contact the Courthouse and they can email, scan or mail it to you.
Employees must also record jury duty on their monthly leave reports.
How is sick leave accrued?
Sick leave is advanced on July 1st of every fiscal year, which will be applied to your balance at the end of July.
What is personal necessity leave?
Personal Necessity is a sub-category of sick leave. The use of personal necessity leave is defined in the collective bargaining agreements. Personal Necessity must be approved by your manager and reported on your monthly leave report.
Payroll Information
When do I get paid?
Classified professional employees are paid once a month on the last working day of the month.
How do I get paid for overtime?
Overtime hours for permanent classified staff must be recorded on a timecard and submitted to the Payroll Department. Overtime hours must be approved in advance by your supervisor. For more information on timecard procedures, please go to Fiscal Services – Payroll webpage.
Where do I send a Verification of Employment (VOE) request for financial or loan purposes?
The payroll department can assist you with verification of employment. Please send employment verifications to the payroll specialist, Linda Terry at [email protected], or by phone: (415) 883-2211 ext. 8163 , or (415) 883-3261 (fax). Please do not send verification of employment to Human Resources.
For more information, please go to the Fiscal Services Contact and Support webpage.
Employee Benefits
How do I request an ergonomic workstation review?
Ergonomic workstation reviews are coordinated by the Benefits Department. For more information, please Senior Benefits Analyst, Ron Owen at [email protected], or by phone: (415) 457-8811, ext. 8159.
How do I get information regarding the District’s Workers Compensation benefit?
Workers Compensation information can be found at the Employee Benefits – Workers' Compensation webpage. Report your injury to your supervisor, and Senior Benefits Analyst, Ron Owen at [email protected], or by phone: 415-457-8811 ext. 8159 for additional information.
How do I get information on retirement?
Please review retirement information on the Benefits website and the CalPERS and CalSTRS websites. For questions, please contact Human Resources Manager, Connie Lehua for CalPers at [email protected], or by phone: (415) 485-9361, or Human Resources Manager, Devon Kinka Ruiz at [email protected], or by phone: (415) 485-9312.